ZEUS - Technology To Build Power Generation With No Taking From Nature

ZEUS The idea to build a Waste Power Plant comes from the City Government faced with the problem of unavailability of space in the city to dispose of waste as a landfill (TPA). For that, one solution that can be taken is to cut the volume of waste generated by the population every day, which amounted to a range of 2785 m3 per day. Pruning it can be done by turning waste into ashes by burning it. ZEUS is the first company in the world to recycle waste into electricity, which is used to mine crypto in a factory with its own mining capacity. Every person living on this planet "produces" about 300 kg or 1.5 m3 of waste per year. Currently, the Earth's population is about 7.5 billion people and is projected to reach 8 billion by 2024. There are two alternatives for processing waste into an energy. First, through a biological process that produces biogas. Second, through a thermal process that produces heat. Waste Power Generation (PLTSa) to be built in 7 cities, using...