ZEUS - Technology To Build Power Generation With No Taking From Nature


The idea to build a Waste Power Plant comes from the City Government faced with the problem of unavailability of space in the city to dispose of waste as a landfill (TPA). For that, one solution that can be taken is to cut the volume of waste generated by the population every day, which amounted to a range of 2785 m3 per day. Pruning it can be done by turning waste into ashes by burning it.

ZEUS is the first company in the world to recycle waste into electricity, which is used to mine crypto in a factory with its own mining capacity. Every person living on this planet "produces" about 300 kg or 1.5 m3 of waste per year. Currently, the Earth's population is about 7.5 billion people and is projected to reach 8 billion by 2024.
There are two alternatives for processing waste into an energy. First, through a biological process that produces biogas. Second, through a thermal process that produces heat. Waste Power Generation (PLTSa) to be built in 7 cities, using thermal or combustion process as the conversion process. This is what environmental activists oppose.
The most effective way to reduce the amount of waste is to recycle it at a sewage treatment plant. The effects of such factory activity can not be denied - 70-80% of the waste received by the factory receives a second life, and when burning waste, electricity is generated, which will always be in demand in the modern world. With population growth, EU cities are in desperate need of capacity building in the waste treatment sector and the city helps the company build it in every way.

The first cryptocurrency to be mined is bitcoin. In 2010, it can be extracted using the power of a home computer processor, and it's very effective. Later, bitcoin begins to be extracted with the help of a graphics processor, which is much more efficient than extraction on a regular PC using a regular processor.
In June 2012, the first special device named ASIC for crypto mining began to appear. The performance of this device is several times higher than conventional graphics and processors. With the advent of ASIC, the bitcoin mining complexity increased 10,000 times. Because ASIC is much faster in mining coins, the complexity of bitcoin tissue begins to grow rapidly, coin extraction on ordinary equipment becomes increasingly complicated.
Zeus is a waste recycling platform that is used specifically to mine cryptocurrency, so the miners will be helped by this platform. It is commonplace that the use of electrical loads when mining crypto is very high, and eventually payments are increased, with ZEUS easing the burden.

  • Electricity cost savings
  • Helping the government in garbage empowerment
  • Invest

During ICO, the plan will attract 41,620 thousand euros (equivalent to Ethereal). The funds will be used to purchase land, construction for waste treatment plants and mining companies, components for assembly of mining personnel, equipment for waste purchases, packaging lines and loading equipment.
We receive funds not only in Etherium, but also in Bitkoyne.
And this is short

The project is characterized by such profitability indicators:
Expenses per year2 441 393 €
income56 341 052 €
profit after tax53 239 659 €
per month4 436 638 €
58 000 000 ZEUS value will be issued in total
"15% of sold tokens will be distributed between teams.
"2% of sold tokens are for bonus programs.
"49.50 thousand Token will be distributed among investors.
"The 1,000,000 tokens are for sale before ICO.
PRE ICO1 000 000 ZEUS Tokens0.50 € for 1 ZEUS token
1-7 days ICO5 000 000 ZEUS Tokens0.70 € for 1
token ZEUS * 8-14day ICO10 000 000 ZEUS Tokens0.80 € per 1 ZEUS Token
15-22 days ICO15 000 000 ZEUS Tokens0.85 € for 1 ZEUS token
23-29 days ICO19 300.000 ZEUS Tokens0.90 € for 1 ZEUS Token
= token 50.300.000 ZEUS
Token Token redemption will be quarterly - 5,000,000 tokens in the quarter.
12 payments with a base price of 1 € / 1ZT for 12 months, calculated at a rate not exceeding 4000 € \ ETH if the rate is higher.

More information about ZEUS I have included some links below:

Author: choky
My eth: 0x0DE9e43dC9a22d88457c8629d61DEBaBCA3F1446


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