The Deal Coin | The Future of Peer to Peer Loans

In 2017, individuals around the world received loans for 64 billion dollars. This is a big figure, which, as analysts expect, is able to grow more. Specialists of the credit market believe that by 2025 the consumer lending sector will grow to 1 trillion dollars.

In many respects this will be ensured by the mass distribution of blockade technologies. They will make the work of banks easier. Financial institutions will bear lower costs for issuing and servicing the loan.

Benefit from the introduction of decentralized technologies and other participants in the lending market. Borrowers will be able to receive money on more favorable terms. And controlling supervisory organizations will bear lesser costs for maintaining registries of credit institutions.
One of the blocking projects in the sphere of lending will be the P2P platform The Deal Coin. Using The Deal Coin, lenders will be able to give, and borrowers - to receive money on loan. The platform is decentralized: there is no controlling body.

What is The Deal Coin?
The Deal Coin is a platform for small and medium-sized businesses. Using The Deal Coin, companies will be able to lend money and get loans on favorable terms.

The Deal Coin site solves one of the most important problems facing modern business. Debt funds are too expensive. For example, Russian banks provide loans at 25-30% per annum. A developing business is not capable of making this profit, and companies have nothing to give loans. Because of this, there is no development of business activity.
On the platform of The Deal Coin there will be no banks or financial institutions. Money in debt will be given by large companies that have available funds. All users of The Deal Coin have equal rights.

There is no controlling body on the platform that would establish rules for concluding transactions. The parties agree individually. Terms of the agreement are fixed in smart contracts. They guarantee to the parties that their rights will be respected.

The Benefits of The Deal Coin
For Borrowers:
quick loans - no need to carry documents to the bank and wait until they approve the loan: it is enough to describe the project, which attracts funds, and wait for proposals from investors;
loans on favorable terms - interest rates on The Deal Coin are lower than in banks.

For creditors:
the opportunity to invest in promising projects - the The Deal Coin has assembled developments with great potential that will make technology and production better.

How it works?
The Borrower applies for a loan through the decentralized application (DAPP) of The Deal Coin.
DAPP connects to the protected database The Deal Coin.
After the verification of the user and his application, it becomes available to potential investors.
Lenders interested in issuing money, contact the borrower and negotiate the terms of the contract.
The parties enter into a smart contract, which includes all the terms of the agreement (loan amount, term and method of return, interest, sanctions).
The borrower receives money from the investor. The funds are transferred in the platform's crypto currency - Deal Token.
When the smart contract expires, the borrower replenishes his account with The Deal Coin, using fiat money, and then transfers them to the crypto currency and repays the debt to the lender.

Platform tokens. Terms ICO
To stabilize the work inside the platform, and also to preserve the interest of traders in the project token, the team made an interesting decision about the introduction of 2 currencies.
Internal currency platform-Deal Token-all internal transactions, such as the provision of credit or payment of interest on the loan will be made using this token.
The foreign currency platform-Deal Coin-will be used for trading on the exchange, for withdrawal and deposit of funds to the platform.
This division into domestic and foreign currencies is not accidental. For stable operation of the platform, it is necessary to eliminate the strong volatility characteristic of crypto-currencies at the present time.
To do this, the platform's internal token will be pegged to the pound sterling rate in the ratio 1: 1, which will allow the platform to provide users with a stable system for working with loans and interest rates.
Initial Coin Offering of the Deal Coin project will take place from March 26 (the Pre-sale stage starts) until June 10, 2018, if the hardcap amount is $ 50,000,000, it will not be collected earlier.
Softcap: $ 5,000,000
Hardcap: $ 50,000,000

Let's sum up the results
The developers of The Deal Coin have an understanding of their product and target audience. The creators have a clear idea: they want to facilitate the receipt of loans for small and medium-sized businesses. There is such a need for a modern economy, and its users, The Deal Coin, will certainly appear.

In this case, do not forget that The Deal Coin is a crypto-currency platform. The interest of enterprises in digital money is growing: today some companies are ready to use crypto currency to pay bills and make a profit. At the same time, there are not so many places where business enterprises can pay with each other in the crypto currency. And The Deal Coin is able to become a platform, thanks to which organizations will forget about the currency.

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