WEMARK | Different and First Stock Photography Market Platform

What is Wemark?

Wemark is a blockchain-based market for digital content, starting with photos. The amount of digital content, such as photos, music and videos, has skyrocketed in recent years. However, this has become a centralized super market with a small number of companies controlling most of the distribution. This means that content creators must give up their rights and control over their content, along with a large percentage of the revenue generated by their content, to participate.

Wemark gives you licenses and downloads amazing photos taken by professional photographers. From cheap photos to exclusive content: get photos at the best prices. Photographer support: licensing photos directly from content creators means that they can store even more of their work.


Wemark is not a photographic archive agent
Photographers give their photography licenses directly to clients without the intermediaries involved, therefore, customers get better prices.

Photographers get more for their work
Wemark sets a new standard for stock photo royalties: photographers maintain 85% of the sale price of the photo.

A new level of transparency, driven by blockchain
The Wemark protocol, driven by the Ethereum block chain, guarantees a higher level of transparency. All transactions and licenses are recorded in the public book and become irreversible.

Digital currency is not credit
As the next generation platform, Wemark supports its own digital currency. Wemark Tokens allows clients and photographers to be part of the economy and platform value.

Problems that exist in the photography industry
Until now, photo quality is highly valued in the market. High quality products are in great demand and worth a lot of money. However, the authors of this work, the photographers, rarely receive decent income from their activities. Then, a modern photo bank requires up to 80% of the cost of photography.
This is due to the lack of mutually beneficial agreements between the parties and the opportunities available to use the work done by third parties. The Photobanks fully monopolize this market segment and enjoy all their privileges, forcing photographers to intentionally unwanted conditions.
One can point to a number of reasons which are serious obstacles to developing activities and increasing the photographer's profits. First, the photo bank independently estimates the cost of work and the cost of the author is paid at a fixed rate. The second - after the publication of all photo rights belonging to special services. To overcome a similar problem, it is called the Wemark blocking project.


The digital content distribution system is currently flawed. Creators only get a small portion of the true value of their content and leave most of their rights. Content in the market is increasingly dominant, at the same time the content creators are abandoned. The current system must be replaced by the Wemark distribution strategy for digital content based on several principles:

Content creators license their content directly to users

They keep all rights to their content, they know who licensed it and they control the price.
Changing terms and costs / royalties The content market has the right to distribute content through "signatures" of digital distribution contracts with the creator. This contract will cover the price range for content licenses, as well as users, and distribution costs paid to the platform. After being digitally signed, the contract and its terms are changed and can only be changed with the approval of all partes.Los referral programs contribute to creators and markets reaching a wider audience
The community will be rewarded for sharing content and increasing the number of users and adoption of distributed content markets. This is our vision: the digital content economy is growing and developing, driven by
blockchain-based protocol that is aligned with the interests of the entire community (creator, customer, and market).

How does it work?

Using unchanged distribution contracts Wemark's eternal distribution contract authorizes content writers to work with the market in a way that benefits both parties.
All agreements provide various price lists for content licenses, conditions for which the user will be granted licenses, distribution rates to be paid to the platform and a percentage of each sale to pay for references. After being signed electronically, the contract and terms will be displayed on the blockchain.

Automatic payment distribution

Besides making traditional markets as content collectors, they make payments easier. That is, they have complete control over how, when and under what terms the money circulates among all parties.
With the use of WMK (cryptocurrency), customers who ask for their product licenses are paid according to a set of rules that are predetermined that do not depend on the market. The blockchain-based smart contract package automatically distributes payments to each party that is committed under terms that cannot be changed which were originally approved by all.


Wemark's mission is primarily to allow photographers to control the content they produce and know directly from clients. As a vision, this is to create the first concentration of many industries connected to the Marketplace 2.0 concept. This is intended to grow by making it wider. Wemark's vision is to create a growing and rich digital content economy. Content creators are fully compatible with blockchain-based protocols that work for all members of the community, including users and markets.

  • They keep all rights to their content.
  • They give a price to their work.
  • They receive a large portion of their income.
  • They benefit from greater transparency.
  • Believe in the system
  • This protocol will guarantee client privacy, while providing a way for photographers to identify copyright infringement, excessive use of licenses, use of their photos that must be limited and other license violations.
  • WMK Token
  • The price of 1 ETH WMK = 2.375
  • Available Bonus
  • Bounty Available
  • MVP / Prototype Available
  • Ethereum foundation
  • Receive ETH
  • Soft 3.250 ETH cap
  • hard ETH stamp 16,750
  • State of Israel
  • KYC Whitelist / KYC & Whitelist


May 2017
NINJA LINE ACCESSORIES PROGRAM. Wemark participates in the NFX S17 class. A 3-month accelerator program in Palo Alto that focuses on markets and network effects. See our presentation on Demonstration Day here.

September, 2017
INITIAL ACCESS REGISTRATION FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS. Registration has begun for photographers to have early access as contributors to the Wemark market, which has produced more than 1,500 professional photographers from around the world who registered in the first week of registration.

January 2018
This launches "CARTERAS The first product of Wemark's life begins - photographers can now create their profile, upload their photos and send them to this block chain is pulling the first step towards our full market-based chain. Block.

February, 2018
WHITEPAPER PUBLICATION. Complete white paper and more relevant information about mass sales will be published on our website and will be sent to our growing customer list.

Q1, 2018
ALPHA VERSION. The Alpha version of the market will be used on Ethereum, which will allow our first users to find and buy photos using WMK.

Q2, 2018
BETA VERSION. A beta version of a fully functional market will be launched, including a large-scale marketing campaign for new customers.

For more detailed information, please visit the link below:

Author: Choky
My Eth: 0x0DE9e43dC9a22d88457c8629d61DEBaBCA3F1446


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